So how did that happen? Last week it was the middle of April and yesterday was late October, so now I find myself with literally days to go before Christmas, working to tight deadlines and wondering if I’m going to get everything done. This year I have been…lax. I normally do all my Crimbo shopping well in advance but lordy lordy how useless am I this year? You don’t have to answer that but believe me there is uselessness aplenty this year.
Anyway, another blog not related to content writing at all. Hurrah I hear you say. This one’s about Christmas.
My goodness me how I love the festive season. I guess it goes back to being a child and having parents who loved Christmas, too. So, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
Christmas trees. Honestly, what’s not to love. A real tree, with pure white fairy lights which makes the room all lovely and festive. It smells gorgeous and has presents underneath it. Gives a warm glow, or is that the sherry I only drink once a year?
Sausage rolls. God, I love these. Warmed up in the oven, they taste of Christmas. Similarly, satsumas, brazil nuts in their shells and chocolate coins.
Christmas telly. BBC, take a bow. ITV, really don’t bother (well, please bother with Downton Abbey, I love that)
Carols from Kings. A pure unalloyed joy and it makes me cry – in a good way.
The Christmas Eve Tom and Jerry. What do you mean you’ve not seen it? Go and buy it AT ONCE.
Christmas Eve in general. Somehow it’s a magical sparkly day and needs to involve candles, a glass of wine, a prayer for those we have loved and lost (my Dad) and fish pie for some reason.
Presents. Of course. Getting great presents is a joy – I got a television once – but giving them and then seeing the person in question using it and enjoying what you bought them is just great.
Board games. Our family has a no telly rule on Christmas Day (yes, I know I’m contradicting myself) and we like to play silly games. I even like Scrabble.
The food. My sister makes delicious canapes that we eat before our big meal. Yum. Also, those sausages wrapped in bacon are pretty sensational, aren’t they?
Christmas music. OK, not if you work in a shop.
I love it when it gets dark early.
I love the routine.
I love it all.
Merry Christmas to one and all.